Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Bilateral Facet Dislocation of C5-6, a Case Report of Failed Post-Operative Management

Again, after 1 year of struggling, debating, and masking my mind from those forbidden intension. Then it comes for me to face the reality, drive across above sea highway everyday and speak to my mind for not going astray and fulfil my true life's objective

A cattle ranchers, Male, 45 years old was brought to my hospital due to terrible accident during his daily routine caring for his cows. A raging cow suddenly kicked him from behind and bounced him then landed with his head first hitting the ground, render him unable to move all of his extremity. He even cannot move his lower extremity at all, but still able to move his upper extremity weakly

The picture clearly showed a bilateral facet dislocation of C5-6, with ASIA A at the level C4

I decided to perform urgent decompression and stabilisation of the cervical spine. As now a days we actually know there is two contrary group between urgent decompression versus late decompression, and also disputable concept whether corticosteroid will be given or not initially. During my residencies it is also a big taboo to perform surgery during first 2 weeks after the trauma, our senior said that "patient who can survive more than 2 weeks is considered fit for surgery and they have bigger chance to pass those crucial emergency period"-- it was like a mantra for me during that day. But we know  the term of life is movement and movement is life and  there is nothing last forever, except the process of changing itself. No one concept is eternal, so i put my mind to proceed and perform the surgery

Can you see those black baseball helmet? Yes, it is a conventional baseball helmet that was bought at hiroshima city - japan, by my friend who joined attachment programme at hiroshima university. i customised it and use it as a head rest complement for operating table preparation.

Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017

tepat setahun sudah tidak menyentuh anda

satu tahun sudah saya tidak menyentuh anda. The tone, echo dan rhytim had just left out with no sense at all. Angry and sadness voices surround my head, leaving a hole render me unable to forget. we"re overwhelmed with alot of stubborn, selfish and self-centered creatures. They always waddle around begging for others empathy for their pityness. Now let your mind speak bright and clearly, disobey them who just brought negativity for their circumstance. Between your selaning lelata, there will always be a candle light lighting your darkest night.